

June Physiology & Massage Treatment

Physiotherapy, treatment and healthcare for both women and men, with more than 10 years experice in Melaka.
Address: No.21, Jalan BP 14, Taman Bertam Perdana, 75200 Pulau Gadong, Melaka.

 Operation Hours : 9:30 am to 10:00 pm (call for appointment)

Contact : Aunty June  @ 016-621 8314


Specialise in:

推拿 Treatment

水肿  Edema

手/脚肿  Swollen Leg/Arm

骨刺 bony outgrowth

疏通经脉/经络 improve blood circulation (Melancarkan Saluran Darah)

风湿  rheumatism (Buang Angin)

铁打扭伤/敷药 muscle sprain massage/bandage (Terseliuh/Terkehel, Sendi, Sakit Urat)

腰骨酸痛  Backache (Sakit Tulang Belakang)

偏头痛  migraine (Sakit Kepala)

坐骨神经痛 acute lumbar (Sakit Tulang Punggung)

扭伤头  stiff neck (Sakit Bahu/ Leher)

传统全身按摩 traditional massage (Urut Tradisional)



June Physiotherapy Massage (Placemark)